3Jerry Seinfeld
3George Burns
Sunday Scribblings challenged us to have a dinner party, invite seven people and plan the menu. I can't wait!
4Statler & Waldorf
4Billy Crystal
5Denis Leary

4Paul Giamatti
5Yogi Berra
Nobody was very funny in my family, with the possible exception of
moi but, as someone who grew up watching the Ed Sullivan Show every Sunday night, I knew comedy when I saw it.
So, given the chance to have a few people over for dinner here's what I'd do. I'd invite my favorite comedians to break bread and be exceedingly funny. The
wine list funny guys, please:
George Burns, because his was one of the first I remember hearing as a child and his autobiographies cracked me up--New York Yankees catcher & coach
Yogi Berra who is funnier than a crutch without even trying--
Denis Leary who tells it pretty
expletive much like it is and has great hair--actor
Paul Giamatti is funny just by being himself, or Harvey Pekar--
Billy Crystal who is
mah-va-luss in my book and because he loves his family--I used to watch
Jerry Seinfield's stand up on The Improv before he was famous [I still quote his schtick: 'Why don't dogs ever have any money?... No pockets!] and lastly
Statler and Waldorf who added the snarky icing on the cake to The Muppet Show I watched faithfully with Audrey and Erica and later by myself. Just thinking about these guys makes me laugh out loud.
For dinner I'd whip up a big brisket, an even bigger pan of lasagna, Caesar salad, asparagus, tomato-basil-mozarella salad & apple pie for dessert. Plenty of cold beer and ashtrays all around. I'd keep a bottle of chaum-pag-na on ice in case Christopher Walken gets my phone message.
Post Script: here's a funny one for you. . .the
dinner party theme was for
last week's Sunday Scribblings. Not only am I funny, but I'm a week behind!
expletives, expletives