over the little pond across from our apartment earlier last week.

See more skies--never the same--at SkyWatch Friday.
Ta-dahhhh! Minnesota is squeaking toward spring and yesterday I captured a photo of the very first daffodil. . .at least, one I've laid eyes on. With giddy pride I post this for Today's Flower's because I finally can show something current, real and lovely.
Visit Luiz's virtual flower shop here. Take something home to brighten up your week. Or play along!
**The word "Daffodil" didn't come into the English language until the 1500s. The old name for daffodil was “Affodyle,” believed to originate with the Old English “Affo dyle,” meaning “that which cometh early.” It ultimately derived from Dutch de affodil meaning "the asphodel" (of Greek mythology).Visit Sunday Scribblings for more answers to the prompt, Language.
So, in spite of this recessionary period we're in, I'm feeling benevolent toward my little cat Bean. She has only one scratching post made for that purpose to her name. However, that doesn't mean she's above sharpening her claws on other random pieces of furniture. This causes Dave to threaten to have her declawed which in turn drives me crazyer. She is a tall American Tabby and has to stoop to use her assigned post. Long story short, I paid $6 for this little gadget which promised that cats love it and it will save my furniture. Even Erica's cat, who is a bit, shall we say, s.i.m.p.l.e. loves hers and uses it religiously.
There is, incidently, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person.
Dan Greenberg
Happy Friday anyway!