I planted this light pink mini fuchsia plant at the end of the greenhouse season [read: half price sales] knowing it would thrive as the earth tilted toward August and September. Its been a beautiful addition and has just now come into its prime while the other annuals are suffering heat exhaustion.
Parasols twirling
Flowing scarves pink and breathless
September arrives
and my Vigo birthday - it's refreshingly lovely at this time of year sandy
make that VIRGO spelling whiz haha
wonderful shot of a beautiful flowers, love its pink color.
I giggled at half-price sale!!! Beautiful fuschia!
Noni such soft pink delights! I loved your poetic words at the close of your post..beautiful!
Now about Baby in your last post..I too have a black beauty named "Babie" also a rescue! The coon cat also is gorgeous..purr-Zzz
Oh thats a fabulous shot .. love love love the colors
One of my favorite flowers.
How sweet! Lovely and delicate!
What a lovely flower, photo and haiku! I love fuschias.
Have a happy week!
Very lovely indeed. The Hummingbirds love the fuchsia baskets I did in the spring. With lots and lots of water they managed to make it to this cool September day!
Hi Noni! Your fuchsia is very pretty! I love fuchsias but cannot keep them in my garden. I have a friend who has the most beautiful flowers all summer: she has what we call "green fingers".Thanks for your visit!
they look like little fairies with their legss hanging down.
Fuchsia's are one of my favorites. My mom used to grow many hanging baskets, but I haven't given it a try yet. Very pretty photo.
A lovely photo! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you to the virtuel bouquet.
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