See more 'moments' at Misty Dawn's meme Camera Critters. [You might wish Misty well as she's recouperating from the dreaded flu virus.]
There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
—Albert Einstein
Today being January 23rd, you know what that means! Its National Pie Day a special, happy day set aside for all of us who love pie, whether we love to bake pies or eat them. This is a real, honest-to-goodness day sponsored by the American Pie Council, a cool site to visit for all the hoopla, contests and recipes.
Now about this delicious specimen above: on Thursday I got a little crazy on some weight machines resulting in sore back muscles that eventually left me only able to walk bent over at a 45 degree angle. Comical, to say the least. While I sat with my trusty heating pad, Dave snuck out and brought home a full no-sugar triple berry pie from Perkins. The best part is he didn't know about National Pie Day. Being Irish, he just got lucky!
And so I raise my fork to all my pie loving friends--and you know who you are. What's your favorite? Me? I can't decide. . .
When you die, if you get a choice between going toMutts/Patrick O'Donnell
As for me, I'm having a little trouble letting go of the holidays past. . .maybe because we're securely burrowed down in another Minnesota winter. Thankfully, in spite of the below zero temps, there's usually a bright blue sky. I can live with that. And I guess I can survive putting all the decorations away for another year. Its just the sweet memories that interrupt my intentions and my unreliable Libra
laziness energy level.
Few bunnies show their whiskers in the quietness of winter, but I've seen their tracks. More stalwart hearts.
See Camera Critters for more reasons to smile.
Perhaps I am a bear, or some hibernating animal underneath, for the instinct to be half asleep all winter is so strong in me.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh