
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snow had fallen, snow on snow. . .

Creatures more thoughtful--and with harder shells--than I could be seen here basking in the sun and wondering, 'where did our summer go anyway?'
Fast forward three months or so and Minnesota is hit with some record breaking snow falls earlier than usual. Yesterday's blizzard of 21 inches made everybody [with the exception of the Macy's delivery guys across the street] and virtually everything come to a screeching halt for the day.From the comfort of my kitchen I caught Dave up to his knees in still-falling snow, refilling the feeders for the brave, and hungry. He does seem a little short on one end. . .Finding the beauty in each season isn't really very hard, and for this I'm grateful.
Visit Misty Dawn's meme Camera Critters for much more.

In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.
William Blake


mrsnesbitt said...

Oh yes we must look after our garden visitors.

Snap said...

Finding the beauty ... Amen!!!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Good morning, Noni. What drama winter addes to your lives. Thanks for feeding the birdies.

Ingrid said...

We had snow until yesterday, now it's all gone but they announce snow again for next week ! I wished we were in spring !!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

oh way too much snow for me. love the photo of the black bench.

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

It looks beautiful! I hear that we're getting our dose of it soon.

jabblog said...

Well done, Dave! The birds rely on bird feeders and fresh water when it's cold.

Daryl said...