We woke to a frosty world this morning. Yesterday's fog had become spikey bits of frost covering everything. This is the little dish that holds drinking water for the birds who visit our feeders.

Frost is the greatest artist in our clime -
he paints in nature and describes in rime.
Thomas Hood
GoodNESS! I've never seen frost DO that before! These are Really Beautiful Noni!!!
Stay Warm sweet friend!
Love the quote and the frosty *critters*!!!
frosting on the cake of life!
Warm Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral
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Lovely shots! I like the quote too.
Amazing photos and I had to chuckle at the little rhyme!
Beautifully captured!
A late visit from Camera Critters, here's my entry.
Have a blessed Sunday!
Very nice photos.
Regards and best wishes
Wow .. I've never seen frost like that .. I've also never been to Minnesota .. that could explain it..
I just discovered your Blog. Went over a number of your recent and past postings and I must say I love the nature photos. We just had our real first snowfall yesterday March 2nd. Wow, it is beautiful. I will be doing lots of photos of it today and tomorrow. I do like the photos you have and will be following your Blog. Jack
Great quotes too! Jack
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