Its hotter than Hades here in Minnesota and I, for one, am wondering what July and August will bring. Our 3 rms,
view apt has fans running at high speed, drying out our eyes and Pashka-dog is pacing from one room to another looking for a cool wall. Plus, I don't like to sweat if I don't have to. There, my rant is complete. Sorry you had to read this. . .

My mother's family is from Colby, Wisconsin -- home of that
round, mild cheese. Her parents moved to Idaho in the 1920's and farmed in Rockland, where her dad sold milk to Kraft. Grandma never returned to Colby. Years later I took my mom on a trip to Wisconsin to visit relatives she'd only heard about. She was not surprised at the lovely rolling hills and lush farmland because her mother had continued to remember how beautiful it was in Wisconsin. Grandma was a school teacher before she married and moved to Idaho. We found the hillside where Clovernook School once sat. Walking up the hillside, my heart and my head were full to overflowing as I imagined young Esther Rosin teaching in a one room school house in that small farm community.
The reason for this

history lesson is because I believe I've inherited dairy cow farmer's genes. My secret dream that I've always been cautious to share is that I've wanted to have a cow or two and learn to make cheese. Wouldn't that be lovely to travel on a grant to Europe and apprentice with a cheese maker? It hasn't worked out yet, but I'm not ruling out any future possibility. In the meantime I love to visit the
Jersey and Guernsey cows at the state fair. So I was moved to tears when Dave showed me these photos he's taken especially for me at a dairy farm in, you guessed it, Wisconsin, where he worked at a motorcycle rally this weekend.
And, these Jersey calves were for sale! No lie.
Sometimes grace comes with big brown eyes and wet noses.
Aah, ancestral memories, don't you just love them?
I hope that someday you get your cow or two and learn how to make cheese, those are some pretty sweet faces...
Dave is a sweetheart for sure, what a lovely thing for him to do for you!
Perhaps we can retire and lease some farm space for a couple Jersey's for you to make cheese and I can write stories about a bella paesana and her cows.
Your Eagle Rider
My niece has married into a Wisconsin dairy farm family. Her website is Red Banks Engish Shepherds (They raise wonderful dogs too!)which is listed on my sidebar.....way down on the left side. I visited her once in the summer and it was lovely...lots of long days, hollyhocks, cows, huge barns and a raspberry patch too!
Rowan at [] Circle of the Year, blog fame is giving a dairy and cheese making tour ...go see!
How are the malamutes taking the heat?
Ooooh, sounds wonderful - make some Parmesan; I have just discovered fresh Parmesan and I am truly in love! I love your fresh and gently 'confessional' posts.
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