When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
Yogi Berra
May the road rise to meet you. . .the road not taken. . .take the high road. . .all roads lead home. . .why did the skeleton cross the road? (to go to the body shop) Today's letter for Round 4 of
ABC Wednesday is
R. Not one to quit
overthinking while I'm ahead, I noted that besides flowers, birds and clouds I seem to automatically photograph roads. For some reason they appeal to me, at least with my camera, but some roads I am afraid to follow, sometimes I have to be drug kicking and screaming. Sigh. . .nevertheless I offer some scenic roads from my own
chosen travels.
Mrs Nesbitt at her delightful meme here and join in the middle-o'-the-week fun! BTW, she asks what the weather is like where we are:
w-i-n-d-y and hot. You?