With so many beautifully decorated homes in the area, this photo I took my first winter in Minnesota remains a favorite. In its simplicity, the smiling gingerbread men seem to send
good wishes of the season. Visit Mary's meme
Ruby Tuesday to see more seasonal reds.

It is a fair, even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humour. from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Noni, I am shoveling out but not so much in Celebration! Bah Humbug! Happy Christmas to you and all your family and friends! :) I love your quotes.
The gingerbread Santa looks delicious! And yes, that is a pretty decoration.
what a delightful photo, love the gingerbread men :)..i have to agree with you some of the decorations are way too over the top..
the season makes it easy to spot the red.
I like this sort of simple decoraion. It really appeals to me!
Th simplicity is the key here. Gaudy and overstated seems to be the Christmas style we often see. This is of an understated style .
Minnesota is beautiful, but I don't remember the winter but the summer is great. The land of 10000 Lakes is gorgeous!
That is a great photo. I love the gingerbread smiling out from behind the greens. And the Dickens....He was right. The beautiful man.
I love the gingerbread man and the smile on his face. I have a friend who collects gingerbread men. I think of her every time I see one.
I really like you quotes. Gingerbread smells great but I am not fond of the cookie. He is cute. HRT
Thanks for the true spirit of Christmas!
Aloha, Friend
Comfort Spiral
beautiful post, so meaningful!
My Festive Rubies says Merry Christmas.
We have Minnesota snow here in NYC..lol I love gingerbread...nice decorations!
Hope you have avery Merry Christmas!
I love the chtristmas decorations in and ouside.
Very good and so true, Noni.
Very pretty idea and very cheering too. I like the first quote on this post very much :-)
I agree the simple things feed my soul.- I got rid of all but one artificial this year and decorated 4 live trees.One year I put only ornaments from the fields..sk
Simple is best. I like all of your Quotes.
Have a very Merry Christmas.
simplicity is beauty :) love those photos!
u may view mine here
Very nice Love the dusting of snow on the ornament.
Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Mine is up: Ruby in the Snow
That's a beautiful photo! It really is peaceful in its simplicity. :)
Noni, you're a winner of the Ruby Tuesday Giveaway. Send me your snail mail address in my e-mail (on my sidebar) and I'll send you your bookmarks. thanks so much for participating. Happy Holidays! :)
thank you for all your wonderful posts.
Please continue 2010!!
At this Christmas Season we remember and honour those who are no longer with us and cherish those who are.
Peace On Earth and best wishes throughout the New Year
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