My favorite moment of the day is:
early morning with my first cup of coffee and a big window to watch from
If I could say one thing to myself 20 years ago: Relax, you can do it.
The lesson I keep learning over and over:
I need to erase the tape running in my head...again.
What scares me the most: dying
No one know I: still get crushes
Unhealthiest meal: cream cheese by the block
Personal philosophy: open the door for the person behind me
I don't feel healthy when I: eat way too many sweets and pity
Proudest moment in my career: seeing my work on paper
My father always told me: you'll never amount to anything
My mother was right about: cats ARE wonderful
My mother was wrong about: just giving up
The movie I watch when I want to laugh is: Trains, Planes & Automobiles
I always feel saner when I: have walked in nature, talked to my daughters, done a crossword, listened to music, written something and looked up at the sky at least once
Home means: my nest
Whole living means: watching, listening, being grateful, petting an animal
Your turn!

Love your answers .. I will try to do this over the coming weekend ...
I will do this.. soon sandy loved the answers provocative..
This kind of Q & A sometimes opens old wounds so well done for answering the Qs.
April issue of Body and Soul ... I should have known you'd be reading when I was! :D :D :D
well said
Aloha from Hawaii my Friend!
Comfort Spiral
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