So, I just flew in from D.C. and boy are my arms tired. [Sorry!] Last week I was there to be with Erica as she and her fellow med students all over the U.S. celebrated Match Day. She found out she matched as an emergency medicine resident at Drexel in Philadelphia for the next three years. Much celebrating ensued. Washington was awakening to spring after that brutal winter and the cherry blossoms were j.u.s.t. starting to open when I waved goodbye. More photos of them to come, but here are some random D.C. reds--including my toes and lucky shoes I wore. See more sublime to
Love All the reds!! Fun "toes" one!!!
What great news! Match day is sooooo exciting. Lovely shots and you've been redecorating --well done!
The doggie looks pooped. ;-)
I like the toe shot. Hmm...I could use some polish on my nails.
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Lots of good Ruby Tuesday photos! The doggies looks very tired and your toes look fabulous and ready for warm weather!
My Ruby Tuesday
That canine could have found a more convenient place to sleep, but when one is dog tired, the bicyclists will have to find another place to park their rides...Ruby toes are bold and oh-so stylish, but without open toed shoes, who would know!
LOL! Nice cheery post and some very lovely photos. Hope your arms have recovered now ;-)
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