Last week I thought I heard a rooster crowing in the area but dismissed it because its like an airport around here with the Canada Geese, a couple of Loons, ducks, blackbirds, etc. calling, fretting and warbling. Sure enough, there's a lone rooster roaming this residential area, kicking up dirt and crowing throughout the day. I caught him as he was making a hasty retreat from my camera yesterday down the driveway. He's a beauty!

Too funny! No news on YOUR chicken??? Looks like she could have date with this fella. ;D Then you'd have more than one chick. ;D
I hope you have seen this website: The City Chicken . I especially love the pages on chicken tractors and hen houses.
More and more people are finding that backyard chickens make great pets. We had a flock for years and are toying with the idea of getting some more. They are so much fun to watch and the eggs are beyond great!
What a fabulous catch!
for some unknown reason, your second photo is not showing in my part of the world but I see the chicken above and it's red crowns. :)
I love the vibrant red illuminating the beautiful photos.
A free range Rooster. :)
That is too funny.
I see we both did poultry this week, you a chicken, me a turkey. LOL :)
Yes, that is a very handsome bird! As long as it avoid cats, foxes, dogs, cars, etc., it'll probably do just fine for itself until winter. My city (Spokane) DOES allow chickens in residential areas, but no roosters.
Beautiful Ruby Tuesday post. Nice pictures, the second one is fantastic!
Very beautuful rooster, Noni !
A fun post! Not sure I'd be running around trying to catch a chicken though! Love the vibrant markings on this one!
I"m glad you caught this good-looking guy. What a funny story!
Happy belated Ruby Tuesday. ;-)
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