I captured the lake in repose on one of the few days we've had with sunshine and without wind. What you can't see is the little muskrat that ferries himself across from shore to shore, usually with a big mouthful of dandelions, roots and all.
Enjoy more beauty from around our dear planet at Skywatch Friday.
In silence and movement you can show the reflection of people.
Marcel Marceau

serenity and beauty gorgeous sandy will lokok for the little muskrat another time
I'd say the muskrat has good taste! Beautiful, peaceful, calming shot!
Such a serene sky! And the reflections are gorgeous. Clever little muskrat fellow, he does indeed have great taste and you have breathtaking capture for the day, Noni! Enjoy your weekend!
Gorgeous. The water is like glass.
Smart critter .. lovely shot.. so serene!
This is indeed lovely, Noni. Very serene. I'd love to see the muskrat, though.
Calm. The sky matches the land, almost like a mirror.
Noni, this is gorgeous!
Beautiful Miz Noni!!
Happy night to you!
Beautiful photo! It looks like a mirror image.
Very beautiful. I hope that you will get a photo of the muskrat some time. In the meantime, I'll remember your word picture of him with the dandelions.
Lovely and quiet and peaceful, - beautiful shot.
You got a wonderful shot with the clear weather...
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Pixellicious Photos
the scene looks so calm and serene. love the reflection of the sky on the lake
(Noni ... I've left an award on my blog for you to pick up. You don't have to accept. I understand *Awards* !!!!!!!!!)
Love your new blog look!
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