Ever since I could remember anything, flowers have been like dear friends to me, comforters, inspirers, powers to uplift and to cheer. Celia Thaxter
Hollyhocks in Chicago gardens and paintings by Childe Hassam of poet Celia Thaxter's Maine garden.

See more 'h' photos here at Mrs Nesbitt's place.
Wonderful choice for the letter H!!
Have a nice day:)
Beautiful photos,love the first one.Good H-post:o)
Hollyhocks are old-fashioned, but how I love them!
Beautiful H choices!
Beautiful combination, love the painting and the photos of hollyhock
Great idea, Hollyhocks are so pretty and come in soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many colors...
These are stunning! My friend grows hollyhocks on her patio.
Hi Peacock Blue form Kyanite Blue!
I too love hollyhocks, use to have many in my garden but the floods of last summer have sadly rotted their roots.
What a great H post! Love it!
I have so many favourites when it comes to flowers but Hollyhocks have always been in the top ten!
I love Hollyhocks. Your photos remind me of them when I had a garden growing up. They grew so tall and I was always amazed how they never broke no matter how windy it got! Beautiful.
The droplets of water adds such beauty to your picture.
Great choices for H! I loved Hollyhocks as a child. We made flower dolls out of them! It has been a long time since I have seen a hollyhock. Loved the droplets of water on the one.
I have always dearly loved hollyhocks.
WoW..some very beautifully captured shots...lovely!
I had these in my back garden for a number of years.. how much pleasure they give us. I put decking down where they were and give them away. Alas the did not survive.. what a crying shame that was.
I lived with Hollyhocks as a child, but it's much too windy and exposed for them here - a great shame.
I love hollyhocks....
My Grandma Smith had hollyhocks growing in her backyard and they always remind me of her. Beautiful flowers.
Have you read Thaxter's "An Island Garden"? It's a must read for flower lovers.
TY for your kind comments!
I think our blogs share a theme or two...
Let's mutually visit!
Best Wishes
Blue, your Kyanite cousin!
I always plant hollyhocks in honor of my grandmother that had them growing at the end of the garden by the alley. Such beautiful flowers.
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