
Thursday, May 19, 2011

its a surprise, no peeking!

Lots 'o' sun for Minnesota this week and at this posting, most trees have leafed out. Its been a week full of blue skies and puffy clouds. Above is my favorite tree in the area where I walk--not yet dressed for summer it seems. Below is another part of my walk where I usually see wood ducks and turtles and hear golfers. Peaceful and busy, full of life.
See more idyllic skies from all over our lovely here.

Poor, dear, silly Spring, preparing her annual surprise!
Wallace Stevens


paul said...

such a lovely photo with the trees by the water's edge

TexWisGirl said...

the top photo is just yummy.

(you're the 2nd blogger today that mentioned grape jelly feeders and orioles. i had never heard of that before!)

jabblog said...

I do like your first photo. That tree is just wonderful with so many interesting limbs.

Lesley said...

I love the willows....

Unknown said...

That willow is beautiful!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Snap said...

I envy you your coming spring. I now have summer which means hibernation time! Beautiful skies.

fjällripan said...

Beautiful reflections in the water!

Laura said...

so beautiful Noni...thanks for stopping by and for your gentle words:-)

Hooked on Memes said...

A most beautiful scene. Truly idyllic.

clairz said...

Love the photos, and that quote is really something!

Hildred said...

Lovely water and sky shots, Noni, - and the reflections are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

What lovely and serene photos!

Cloudia said...

oh wow. so nice

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral




Sandy Kessler said...

renewed spirit

Donna said...

Nice shots Noni! Hope you have a Warm weekend!

Daryl said...

Send sun this way please

Anonymous said...

I'm liking your second image here, the sky is good but then the reflection makes it twice the picture!... thanks for sharing your views!....:)

What is it with Zamboni?..... We brits obviously aren't in the same league in Ice Hockey but Zamboni is like a religion?......

Carver said...

Those are lovely skies and scenery.

Pietro Brosio said...

Splendid views, Noni. The impressing tree in the first image is fabulous!
Happy weekend!

Linda said...

You must be longing for green leaves by this time. Hope the temperature continues to rise.