Since thy return, through days and weeks
Of hope that grew by stealth,
How many wan and faded cheeks
Have kindled into health!
The Old, by thee revived, have said,
'Another year is ours;'
And wayworn Wanderers, poorly fed,
Have smiled upon thy flowers.
How many wan and faded cheeks
Have kindled into health!
The Old, by thee revived, have said,
'Another year is ours;'
And wayworn Wanderers, poorly fed,
Have smiled upon thy flowers.
~William Wordsworth~

Love the Wordsworth.
Yes, love the Wordsworth, the crocus is beautiful and... that cartoon, hilarious!
Beautiful crocus, and thanks for the chuckle.
I am a card-carrying optimist. Always. I love that exuberant cartoon!
Now that's a post I like:
Lovely picture.
Great poem.
Inspiring quote.
Funnee cartoon!
Thanks for the picture and the smiles.
I am a cynical optimsit. The optomisitic partof me has the happieer time. I love the cartoon and the words, perfect.
Alway like to see a poem from Wordsworth.. and the cartoon is very funny.
That may be the funniest cartoon I have ever seen.
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