Today's ABC Wednesday letter is 'w'-- I captured these budding water lily pads last week at a small local lake. Though representational, my photo's colors reminded me of Claude Monet's water lilies series that he planted and painted at Giverney for over two decades.

Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna - Rome
1906 The Art Institute of Chicago

Musée Marmottan-Monet - Paris

Musée de l'Orangerie - Paris
FYI, white water lilies are the national flower of Bangladesh.
and he said:
It took me time to understand my waterlilies. I had planted them for the pleasure of it; I grew them without ever thinking of painting them.
Visit Mrs Nesbitt for more contributions to ABC Wednesday or to join in the fun.
Beautiful post. Thank you for showing the comparison of Monet's water lillies through the years.
I know that water lillies can clog lakes and ponds, but I still love how they look. When we kayak it is fun to glide through a big patch of them.
I invite you to visit my W is for Woodpecker contribution for this week's theme. -- Margy
Such beauty arises from the mud! Interesting fact about Bangladesh, too.
All the words in your title describe the beautiful water lillies. Love your choice for the letter W.
I love water lilies and tried them in my pond but I didn't have the touch.
I have three water lily plants in our pond and enjoy them every day.
It is amazing to watch them at the various times of the day.
Thank you for your post for ABC Wednesday---W.
I absolutely adore water lilies and I just fell in love in how you did this post.... bravo!!
If only the rest of us could make such a comparison...
What a delightful post.
Waterlilies are lovely choice for W.
I'm a Monet fan, & have seen HUGE wall paintings @ Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris - they are amazing
PS - Have posted my new meme!
Great post... it is strange to think now that his painting style changed because of his eye sight.. and by studying is work it shows when his eyes started to get worse.
Monet was always one of my favorites.
Your photo does remind me of his paintings. I always enjoy looking at lakes full of water lilies. Peaceful.
How beautiful Nonizamboni! Good idea to compare your lilies with the paintings by Claude Monet! I always liked his paintings and those of his contemporaries.
What fantastic photo you have there.
And you also seem quite a "connaisseur" of some fine painters!
Awesome W post.
Thank you for this lovely and informative "W" post. I enjoyed it.
Every time I see Monet's water lilies, I am struck by how the same subject yields so many different results. They are a reminder that one's subjects are never dull -- you just have to learn how to really see them. I like how you go out each day and look at the world around you, and every day return with something new and marvellous to share. Beautiful water lilies!
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