Be present. I would encourage you with all my heart - just to be present. Be present and open to the moment that is unfolding before you. Because, ultimately, your life is made up of moments. So don’t miss them by being lost in the past or anticipating the future.
Don’t be absent from your own life. You will find that life is not governed by will or intention. It is ultimately the collection of these sense memories stored in our nerves, built up in our cells.
Simple things:
A certain slant of light coming through a window on a winter’s afternoon.
The sound of spring peepers at twilight.
The taste of a strawberry still warm from the sun.
Your child’s laughter.
Your mother’s voice.
The sound of spring peepers at twilight.
The taste of a strawberry still warm from the sun.
Your child’s laughter.
Your mother’s voice.
These are things that shape our lives and settle into the fiber of our beings.
Don’t take them for granted.
Jessica Lang
I loved reading this excerpt from a commencement speech she gave at Sarah Lawrence College this spring. . .It caused me to pause--which is always a good thing; then to remember what simple things give me pleasure--what I usually rush to blog or journal about. When I read her take on life being fed by a 'collection of 'sense memories' I envisioned my memories making a hopeful gesture to continuously remind me of who I am and why I remember what I do. Agreed?
Wishing all my blogging friends a great weekend! Remember to set your burdens down and enjoy Labor Day and the slow unfolding of glorious Autumn.
Your words are beautiful and you have a wondeful weekend also.
What a beautiful post - thanks for the reminder. I needed that after an absolutely brutal week. I'm so glad for a day of rest!
Another great post to set the right mood for the week end... :O)
Thank you.
Beautiful photos and beautiful quote. I'm definitely working on being more present to my life... I hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I hope that you too will have a good weekend, love what you wrote.
I love this!!! Thanks for giving me some words to carry with me as I begin another school year. Perfect!
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