A book meme--what could be more fun? A meme about books. I'm borrowing this from a talented blogger/writer, Anno and since it is an open invitation, give it go yourself. I'd be interested to know your choices. . .all in the spirit of getting to know you better. So,
Four Childhood Books I've read:
1. Little Women / Louisa May Alcott
2. The Secret Garden / Frances Hodgson Burnett
3. Black Beauty / Anna Sewell
4. The Little Prince / Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Four “So-Called Classic” books read and never forgotten.
- Les Miserables / Victor Hugo
- Catcher in the Rye / J.D. Salinger
- To Kill A Mockingbird / Harper Lee
- My Antonia / Willa Cather
Four personal modern “Classic Novels”
- Prodigal Summer / Barbara Kingsolver
- Father Melancholy's Daughter / Gail Godwin
- Caramello / Sandra Sisneros
- Fugitive Pieces / Anne Michaels
Four authors I've read again and again
- Daphne Du Maurier
- Chaim Potok
- Anne Tyler
- Oscar Hijuelos
Four authors &/or books I'll never read again...ever
- Tobacco Road / Erkskine Caldwell
- Bonfire of the Vanities / Tom Wolfe
- The Lovely Bones / Alice Sebold
- Cold Mountain / Charles Frazier (just too heart wrenching)
1. John Adams / David McCullough
2. The History of Love / Nicole Krauss
3. The Audacity of Hope / Barack Obama
4. When You Are Engulfed in Flames / David Sedaris
Three Fiction and one Non-Fiction I’d take to a desert island (instead of 2 each)
84, Charing Cross Road / Helene Hanff
Bird by Bird / Anne Lamott
We The Living / Ayn Rand
Carry On, Jeeves / P. G. Wodehouse
Four Book recommendations I have followed (and loved)
On Beauty / Zadie Smith
Collected Stories of Amy Hempel
Women Who Run With Wolves / Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Pride & Prejudice / Jane Austen
The last lines of one of my favorite books:
He had always been more sensitive than the people about him to the appeal of natural beauty. His unfinished studies had given form to this sensibility and even in his unhappiest moments field and sky spoke to him with a deep and powerful persuasion. But hitherto the emotion had remained in him as a silent ache, veiling with sadness the beauty that evoked it. He did not even know whether any one else in the world felt as he did, or whether he was the sole victim of this mournful privilege. Then he learned that one other spirit had trembled with the same touch of wonder. . . And there were other sensations, less definable but more exquisite, which drew them together with a shock of silent joy: the cold red of sunset behind winter hills, the flight of cloud-flocks over slopes of golden stubble, or the intensely blue shadows of hemlocks on sunlit snow. When she said to him once: "It looks just as if it was painted!" it seemed to Ethan that the art of definition could go no farther, and that words had at last been found to utter his secret soul. . .
from Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
This was so cool! I loved it : ).
a kindred spirit from your list - any Bronte any Austen oh yes..To kill a mockingbird.fantastic list Sandy
Thank you for opening yourself and showing us your beating literary heart.
It is beautiful, and a lovely shade of blue. Peacock?
Aloha my friend!
These lists are always so much fun to read: to discover points of connection (Bronte, Hodgson-Burnett, Daphne DuMaurier), to remember forgotten favorites (Oscar Hijuelos, Gail Godwin), and to recall other books I've always wanted to read (Prodigal Summer, Fugitive Pieces). This was wonderful -- thanks for playing along!
I love this meme and am going to do it. I was glad to see you listed Lovely Bones in the category you did. I was very disturbed by that book. It was a difficult read as she viewed life below from heaven. Of course I am in agreement with To Kill a Mockingbird. I also loved Bird by Bird and you have given me many new books to add to my reading list. Great post... I will do mine soon.
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