Its Monday and you know what that means? More rain. . .not enough sleep. . . Today's Flowers? Yeah, that's it! A much nicer way to start the week. Hosted by Luiz and his flower shop crew Denise, Laerte and Valkyrien. Stop by, share and be glad for another Monday to wake up to.
These are flowers I've seen most recently in the neighborhood (Allium & Iris) and what I've planted for the pretend cottage garden on my patio slab (Pansies, et al.) Sadly I made this collage last Thursday for Blue's True Colours Thursday Meme but thanks to a finicky computer I wasn't able to download and missed the whole day!

“This donut has purple in the middle, purple is a fruit."
Happy Monday!
I love Ilium, did you know they are a member of the onion family? Yup.
lovely flowers with such a cute title for the post =) thanks for visiting me last week via Today's Flowers. =) greetings from East Borneo.
Beautiful flowers - purple is such a positive colour!
The allium is such a deep rich purple . mine is more of a lt blue..sk
The we can have the pleasure of watching it now!
Lovely Allium and Iris! The Allium is blooming where I live also!
Thanks for posting on Today's Flowers!
Wonderful photo, beautiful collage. Thank you so much for sharing.
Very beautiful.
Lovely mosaic of purple blossoms ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
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