Even though it looks like I might have taken a trip to Ireland, this is the front of an old building in none other than Wisconsin! Visit Mary's colorful meme Ruby Tuesday for more surprises.
May you always walk in sunshine.
May you never want for more.
May Irish angels rest their wings right beside your door.
It does feel like Ireland! I love when you make these unexpected finds! It's even better when you happen to have your camera!
A love this shot!
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.
That is such a pretty capture. I like the old-fashioned screen door, too. Brings back memories.
Happy RT to you!
So pretty! Great Ruby Tuesday! Love the Irish *thoughts*.
what a great capture ...
I have never been to Ireland but it looks as if it were taken in another country. I think it's beautiful.
feel free to visit and join in on a giveaway.
Be still my Irish heart!
This is lovely!
I like the peeling paint and the screen door and ....oh, it's just perfect.
Great eye for finding this one.
I would never have guessed this was taken in Wisconsin! The beautiful hanging geranium adds a very welcoming touch.
Happy Belated Birthday! At our age (I reached the big 6-0 this year), it's a good time to look back and count our many blessings and to think about what it is we really want to do with the rest of our lives. At times I think there's a 16-year-old still inside of me, but I wouldn't want to go back there again!
Red geraniums
grace the cottage’s front door
with splashes of joy.
My Ruby Tuesday
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