I had to stop for these two young turkeys (
note the spiky do on the guy on the right) to cross in front of my car on their way to another yard for a snack. They were seen munching in urban Minneapolis in a residential area near a busy 4-lane street.
One never knows who you might run into on the road!
See more candid shots of furry and feathered creatures at Misty Dawn's MeMe
Camera Critters.
Wow ... never ran into turkey's on my travels before, lol. They're so big!
My mother-in-law lives on 10 acres here in Michigan. There have been time when the house is surrounded by no less than 30 turkeys. We were a little worried that they were gonna try & take over!
Ben Franklin proposed them as national bird. Aloha-
First time I've seen turkeys wandering around an urban area.
Great photo..
Hi Noni, I have another friend named Noni! Wow, I never thought I would meet another ;-)
I guess you found a couple of turkeys that escaped Thanksgiving eh? Thanks for sharing the great photos!
I hate when they get too close to traffic, the geese too!!
they look lovely against the snow
I never think of them as wild birds somehow. Great photo.
Urban turkeys. The only wild turkey I usually see in surburbia comes n a bottle.
Wow hello not expecting to see turkeys there.. snow and spring wow what a contrast- how are you feeling after the splat??
Ah! I love it! I think they are such neat looking critters! This is a really great photo of them!
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