I think it pisses God off when you walk by the colour purple in a field and don't notice it. [from The Color Purple by Alice Walker]

Purple is soothing to the eye and just by looking at stalks of lavendar, purple Concord grapes, iris blooms, shiny eggplants or Italian plums, a whole 'nother world of sensory delights--and memories!--unfolds.

Purple is another wonderful choice by Blue for her Thursday MeMe, True Colours. Visit her for more purple photos--and join in the fun. Oh, and one more purple as we leave the sublime and enter the world of memories. . .

Purple is another wonderful choice by Blue for her Thursday MeMe, True Colours. Visit her for more purple photos--and join in the fun. Oh, and one more purple as we leave the sublime and enter the world of memories. . .
Purple is supposed to be the color of healing as well. I once got a good Dr. report on my cancer - and I planted an entire garden of purple sk
This is the very reason why I am such a purple freak! Wonderful assortment! Especially love the the house in the collage!
Peace Giggles
Wonderful post as ever from you.
May our purple bruises heal well.
love your purples! & so true about what Alice Walker wrote, that is a great quote.
Thanks for sharing YOUR true colours, Noni. . .Aloha!
Your photos and writing were a wonderful, warm embrace today. Thank you!
A beautiful selection of purples.
(I found your blog through Blue's blog)
The purple photos are so vivid, especially the plums and the iris. I used to be obsessed with purple... now I am on a red kick!!
Lovely photos, purple is such a cheery color when it shows up in nature. I especially like your images of the irises and morning glories--what beautiful flowers.
That is a beautiful collection of Purple...
What a great collection of purple flowers! Yes, they are wonderful.
Then I have never pissed off God!
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