Listen, can you hear it? Spring's sweet cantata. The strains
of grass pushing through the snow. The song of buds swelling on the vine. The tender timpani of a baby robin's heart. Spring. [from Northern Exposure, Wake Up Call, 1992]
If I could I'd pick a bunch of white Cosmos, bring them in the house, put them in a vase and just sit there staring** at their perfection. However, today the temp is hovering around zero with the possibility of more snow and temps near 40 by Friday. Spring inches her way north. In the meantime, visiting Today's Flowers is a great idea to add cheer to a cold Monday.
**Sometimes the mind, for reasons we don't necessarily understand, just decides to go to the store for a quart of milk. [also from Northern Exposure but I'm pretty sure I could have written it too!]
I love the way you used the different effects to create such interesting contrast in your collage .. makes me feel less cold .. tho outside my office window it looks like someone shook a snow globe
My mind keeps getting out of the yard and wandering. perhaps it's after a quart of milk? A dark chocolate bar? Something, anyway.
I am going to put you in my links at Word Garden. Is that all right? (and isn't that how it's done...do a thing and then ask if it's ok? lol)
Your blog is such a pleasant space. I admire it. :-)
I'm a little late; but this post is beautiful - and different! Love the work you have done with these pics!
A beautifully presented collage of Cosmos. Sweet drawing.
Also like your accompanying quotes.
What a lovely idea - combining the photos with drawings in a couple of styles!!
Thanks for sharing!!
the beauty of your photo's melt the snow in my mind but not in my yard.
Hi Noni
Wonderful flowers!
My grand-son has 17 months!
In sleep hour at night he said:
"Noni noni, mama"
He want sleep!!!
Then I remember you!
Thanks for posting!
Wonderful collage, Noni!
Yep, I would have guessed you wrote both quotes.
Really like your music selection today too.
I'm certain it's revitalizing as we speak. You know Spring it comes one night when we least expect it, with all its lovely blooms , my favorite part..Sandy
I've been lusting after cosmos, too! Looking at seed packets longingly....
I Loved Northern Exposure!!! Great picture!!hughugs
Where art thou, oh spring?? My sentiments exactly!
Beautiful artistic effects in your collage! Love this!
Lovely collage of sweet flowers. I'd look at them all day, too, if they were in my house.
One of my favorite flowers. I grow these on my allotment but was upset last year,when they only started to bloom about three weeks before the first frost :( The year before they flowered for an age !
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