
Saturday, May 14, 2011

raining now, more rain all day, possibly forever
I'm fine


jabblog said...

We're longing for rain and you've got too much. I'll swap some of our sun for some of your wet stuff:-)

i beati said...

see it's time to send it to me where the flowers are

Ms. Becky said...

yes, more rain. but it's making things so GREEN. no kidding, my eyes are swimming in green. this morning I was out with a group of Master Gardeners, making an attempt to plant Heritage Gardens at the zoo. in the rain. too cool yet for plants, but we managed to get seeds in the ground. one good thing - we didn't have to bother with watering. have a great weekend Mary Ann!

clairz said...

I'm with jabblog--too much rain in the wrong places, not enough here where there is a drought.

Thank you for commenting on my Skywatch post again, Blogger lost yesterday's comments although I saw them briefly!

Pietro Brosio said...

Noni, here in Turin we have variable weather in these days: some rain, some sun, warm but not hot.
The sketch is funny!
Have a nice Sunday :-)

Donna said...

Boy!! Hope it ends SOON for you Noni!!!
Stay dry and cheery...Hahaaa...that's not an oxymoron is it....nope...

Daryl said...

Thank you, that was wonderful