Meet my very own grand-cats making their debut on
Camera Critters. Above is
Baby [aka Baby Phat, Fatima, Fatsa, etc.] who belongs to Erica and lives in cat luxury in Washington, D.C. She's a rescue cat who had lived on the street for a time resulting in some residual, umm,
weirdness. We think she is a black variety
Korat Cat, all black with a tiny white star on her chest--even black whiskers!

This is a Maine Coon Cat who owns Audrey and also lives in the lap of luxury in Chicago. Before she came to Audrey, she had a neglected past, and was later rescued by someone who named her
Squirrel. Dave and I especially like playing volley ball with her--she sits, we throw a sparkly ball which she spikes across the room, we go get it. . .and so on.
More beautiful creatures
They are very worthy of their special status
Beautiful cats !
You have lovely grandfurchildren! I'd love to see the soccer game!
Cute kitties, thanks for sharing your critters.
It is nice to see that someone takes action when other don't. I looks like a fine specimen.
Those are great photos of beautiful moggies. Baby.. look at the gorgeous sable colour shining in the sunbeam, and Squirrel.. still her name? I've always liked those Maine Coons!
I'm really REALLY enjoying the Pie book :^)
Noticed that both cats are photographed on window edges... nice and warm there I'm sure! Clever kitty cats :)
And very cute ones at that!!
Your cats are lovely.
I was never really a 'cat person' until one certain local cat took it upon itself to change my mind. It is infact layed on my TV as I write this... I have the window open all day for it to come ad go... for some reason it as took a liking to me..... it will come in and sit on my knee while I watch the TV... then get off after a while and go home... So now I am a fully paid up member of the Cat Club.. ha!
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