There's something about my daily routine in the kitchen that brings certain people to mind. For instance without fail I remember Sandy who lost her battle with cancer a few months back, when I'm chopping veg on the counter. Maybe it is because she was a true, old fashioned home ec teacher; I'm not sure but I remember her skills and kindness most vividly then. On Wednesday I was cleaning the range top and as I swiped around the area, Mary Travers from Peter, Paul, & Mary came to mind. I blissfully thought, 'Wow, she must be doing great with her leukemia in remission and all.' The next day I saw that she had passed away the same day she randomly came to my mind.
The music of that trio was a big part of my tentative move into young adulthood. I first heard them on a hi-fi at a house down the street where I babysat. When everything was quiet I would sing along to 'If I Had a Hammer' and 'Blowing in the Wind.' Later on Mary's sweet voice in 'Leaving on a Jet Plane' became my anthem as Dave and I spend a lot of time apart.
I'll never know why, but I think Mary flew by St. Paul on Wednesday as she left for a better gig.
I just read Mary Travers' obituary in the NYTimes and then stumbled on your blog with its post about Mary Travers! I was always a big fan of the sound of Peter, Paul and Mary too. She was definitely the heart and soul of the trio with her quiet good looks and strong sense of moral purpose. Apparently, her "edginess" on stage was due to her stage fright, according to Paul Stookey as quoted in the Times obit.
Where have all the flowers gone ... long time passing...
This week was filled with loss ... this is one of the biggest ...
Rest in peace, Mary, you were a major beacon in the fight for civil rights and peace ...
I read about Mary's passing in the NYTime yesterday. So sad. I loved Peter, Paul and Mary. Love them still.
What a nice post this is.... even with the sadness of passing you bought happinees and great memories to mind. I hope when I go my passing will also be a trigger to the happiness I have shared with others.... not the sadness of the loss... I will be humming a number of tunes now... in fact I will take a trip over to You Tube and see what is on there.
Keep a nice thought in your head and a smile on you lips.
my first visit to your blog. came here via Clever Pup.
Nice tribute and nice thoughts and you're probably channeling into that psychic thing with her passing and you thinking about her not knowing.
A beautiful and poignant post. I am very glad her music lives on.
Mmmm, yes. We are more connected to "strangers" than we know.
Ahhhhh! I think she did to!!hughugs
Thank you for this...Mary's lovely photo peeking through The Clever Pup's page was a welcome sight this evening.
I was saddened and will also miss her voice.
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