
Monday, January 18, 2010

'God save Elizabeth'

While the earth sleeps, a bit of the cheerful color red can be seen if one really pays attention. These are random shots in my home at Christmas, around the bend and on a small, local lake in my neighborhood. In the photo below, in the upper left corner you can see a small hockey rink with lawn chairs for the 'audience' that has been cleared on the lake.

Visit Mary the Teach's meme, Ruby Tuesday for more glimpses of red.

The rose is red, the leaves are green, God save Elizabeth, our noble queen. Anonymous
Lines written by a Westminster schoolboy in the margin of his copy of Julius Caesar. Quoted in P W Hasler (ed) The House of Commons,1558^1603 (vol.1), p.474.


jabblog said...

Great photos! I love the idea of an impromptu ice rink.

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Gray here in Iowa for the past several days also.

Nice blog.

Gemma Wiseman said...

The touches of red add a cheery zing to winter landscapes! Lovely photos!

Leora said...

You have so much more snow than we do! I love looking at the snow. And the red ribbons jazz it all up.

maryt/theteach said...

Noni, lovely little hints of RED here and there... Dis "God Save the Queen" come from that quote? Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)

maryt/theteach said...

BTW, I am fine, Noni, I did a couple of posts explaining exerything... :)

Ralph said...

The little rubies are here to be seen in the frozen Land -O-Lakes. The footbridge is a gem, the slight arc is ready to allow crossing of the stream in spring. Red bows and ruby banners give a warmth to the snowy landscape...

Cloudia said...

I'm always "red-dy" to enjoy your posts!

Aloha, Friend

Comfort Spiral

~Cheryl said...

The red is very striking against the white snow. Great job!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful winter shots.

i beati said...

so lovely

Daryl said...

Pretty .. and fun, I guess back then defacing books wasnt so bad ..especially if you were making a rhyme that included reference to HRH!