At sunrise, I’m out again, giving it the old try.~~ Ray Bradbury
Again with the reflections on the lake, I know. . .but. . .pink clouds and two contrails?! Besides, it was 29 degrees this a.m. when I said to hell with the gym and walked around Island Lake for a look see. I knew it would have changed in a week's time and I was right. Less foliage, less leaves, half clothed trees, frost, three Loons and a partridge in a pear tree a gôr'jəs sunrise. Baby blanket colors across the sky. A perfect morning but really, really cold and I hadn't planned accordingly. But, being resourceful, I made a bathroom stop at a grocery store nearby and bought a pair of stretchy gloves. I guess those merit badges I earned in Girl Scouts paid off after all.
Once upon a time on a fair autumn day, a princess of a certain age, turned yet a year older. On that very festive occasion warm wishes and legal tender came by post to cheer her and distract her from looming old age. She meticulously hid the bills and with a flourish snapped the coin purse shut. With a dreamy look she purposed to spend this money wisely instead of trying to hide her wealth by purchasing small and later forgotten memorabilia and chocolate snacks. This would be the year she threw aside the need to save for a rainy day, deciding that, of course that rainy day would eventually come before her next birthday, but what would she have to show that had made her blissfully happy during that year? Without further ado she summoned her carriage and traveled to her favorite antique store--where she usually let herself take a quick,longing glance then off to the nearest thrift store with her.
Well, not today! She knew where to find the little blue teapot that had sat on the shelf, lonely and dusty, a bit like herself. And there it sat! Without a second thought she swooped it up, negotiated a ridiculously lowered price for ownership of this darling and left the store with very little left in her purse but a look of true satisfaction on her surprisingly younger-looking countenance.
I'm in the middle of what looks like, sigh, another collection--tea pots this time. Below is one my mother gave me on the last visit I made home before she slipped into dementia and she still remembered how much I liked the artist, Marjolean Bastin. It is large enough to serve several cups of tea and is what I pull out when the weather turns nippy.
This little orphan I purchased at a yard sale last week for $.25. At first I thought it was a sweet pitcher then the little o-shape on its handle proved it had indeed lost its lid and I could relate!
Thanks to my friend Blue who hosts Favorite Things Thursday, her brainchild that has offered so much fun and inspiration, You can visit here.
Happy Thursday!
[quote/art by Donald Urquhart]
Half purple/half lavender iris and the crayon box lavender of wild phlox in a ditch next to the railroad tracks last summer.
and my ever present eggplant with a colorway from deep purple to nearly white all on one fruit.Since lavender resembles wild imaginings to me, this front porch I saw on one of my walks drew my eyes straight into the little nook, the comely lavender canvas chair and the hydrangea in its lavender stage before turning blue. I wanted to call this home. . .
Join in the fun and visit ABC Wednesday's third round. And thanks to Denise for hosting such a lively place to spend any given Wednessday.