To my mind, it wouldn't be the holidays without a panettone. I don't make them myself but spend an equal amount of time searching for the best one. This was easy in Chicago where you could find an Italian deli on practically every corner. Up here in the northwoods I'm tempted by all the outrageously delicious Scandinavian delicacies and it just takes a little more searching for the Italian variety of sugared goodness. So, it is with rosy Italian cheeks that I say I bought this at CVS in the after Christmas half-off extravaganza and it was so wonderful I bought another. Made in Brazil, imported from Italy and delivered straight to the Midwest it brought new meaning to the adage that its a small world after all!

I found this vintage sugar sack at a North Saint Paul antique emporium recommended by my library pal, Mona. It has extra meaning to me having grown up in southern Idaho in the heart of potato and sugar beet farms. U & I (Utah & Idaho) was all we had for years until C & H appeared from the more exotic regions of California and Hawaii. A nice pillow perhaps. . .?
All this fun comes to you compliments of Mary's meme, Ruby Tuesday where red is the color of the day!
My husband loves panettone we can find it at the grocery outlet around the holidays he usually picks up three or four.Sometime I am going to try it. There are so many thing that time of year that I can't eat or shouldn't eat or my numbers will go to high.
~~Hugs~~ PS Hubby is Italian.
Brazil. Italy. U.S. Must have been vacuum packed to keep its freshness. That was quite a trip.
Happy RT to you.
I never knew about the colloquial expressions and language of Minnesota - yet a book exists, so I know it must be true...The sack is great, we don't grow any of the earthen delicacies in Connecticut, so it is a mere sack, yet very cool to my eyes...
I like the names of those books: Red Sky at Morning and The Right Hand of Sleep.
Thanks for introducing me to U and I - now there's something this "east coasterner" has never seen.
Did someone say: "Sugar?"
Aloha, Sweet Noni
Comfort Spiral
I almost tried to make panettone, but I went with stollen this year instead.
Love that vintage sack. Reminds me of my grandma, she said they made their underwear out of flour and sugar sacks!
I promise my next visit to Zabars I am getting you one of the real Panettone!
oh i love panettone year round
Penettone is delicious, isn't it? In Italy we have a large assortment in the Christmas period! The "Pandoro" is also very good, but heavier than panettone
Have a nice day!
You and I have opposite problems. I'm Norwegian but I currently live in the Milwaukee area which is loaded with wonderful Italian, German, and Hispanic delicacies - but none of the delicious Scandinavian goodies of my childhood. Therefore, I've been forced to make do with my Mom's recipes of lefse, sandbakkles, krumkake, and rosettes. Almost better than the real thing! :-)
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