It was late autumn but still warm enough to walk around Como Lake. The songbirds were gone from the bare trees and the lake itself already had patches of ice. Gaining on the parking lot I slowed when I heard water splashing. Here was a lone robin who found a bit of unfrozen water near the shore and was bathing with abandon. It warmed my heart and I've hung onto this moment throughout our long winter as a dear sign of spring.
See more 'moments' at Misty Dawn's meme
Camera Critters. [You might wish Misty well as she's recouperating from the dreaded flu virus.]
YeeeeeHaaaaW Robins!!!!!!
Aw -- wonderful moment.
How lovely to come across the robin bathing. Such simple acts found in nature can be the absolute best.
It is a wonderful to watch the birds bathing. Great sighting!
a lesson for us all !!turning the corner towards Spring
I bet the Robin wished the water was a bit warmer
He looks more as though he's swimming :-) It is good that the birds can get to water - so necessary to drink and to bathe every day.
Very Pretty place Noni!!!
Happy Sunday to you!
Sweet .. what a fortunate turn of events for both you and the robin
Wonderful image, very well composed!
Birds are so fun!! Neat capture of the Robin going for a splash!
wonderful moment.
Work From Home
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